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As the question clearly states, the weight depends on the age. But then information about the age is not provided???

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Q: What The weight of a tiger (which depends on the age of the tiger)?
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Who wins in a fight tiger or elephant?

personally i would say elephant but it depends on age weight height and muscle so the tiger might win too

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the weight of an elephant(which depends on the age)is 400 pounds.

Choosing the most appropriate translation. The weight of an elephant which depends on the age of the elephant?

Weight(age) APEX

What is the weight of an adult tiger in kilogram?

I really depends on what breed of tiger it is, but this is the average weight. Males - 100 to 140 kg Females - 85 to 167 kg (P.S Why are most of your questions about tigers?)

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this depends on your height, weight and age.

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Depends on the age of that bull.

Is there a weight chart for girls?

Body weight for girls (children or teenagers) is related to height and body composition. Therefore, there will be no 'average' weight in relation to age but there will be a healthy weight in relation to height and body composition. For in-depth information about weight in relation to height, and to see the distribution of weights and heights of children at various ages, please see the page link, further down this page, listed under "Related Questions."

What is a tiger sharks weight?

a tiger sharks weight is approximately 777,000,000,000

What is the weight for your age?

It depends what age for example if your 10yrs old they would be 60-90 if any higher they might be over weight.

Is a sun bear stronger than a tiger?

This depends on the age and sex of either animal. Male sun bears are very defensive in defending territories, while bengal tigers are stronger in hunting. The question of who is stronger is a a little bit dependent.

How much are you to weight at the age of 12?

It depends how heavy boned you are.

How much is the common weight of a human?

depends on the age of the person.