Savannah, Georgia
Savannah, Georgia has the 31415 Zip code Ratty
3.1415 While true, pi to 5 significant digits is actually 3.1416!
There is 5 trillion digits of pi.
Savannah, Georgia
Savannah, Georgia has the 31415 Zip code Ratty
Savannah, Georgia has the zip code of 31415.
3.1415 While true, pi to 5 significant digits is actually 3.1416!
In 1805 it was declared by Alex Norburtun that the first five digits of pi are 3.1415
There is 5 trillion digits of pi.
The fifth digit of pi is 5. The first 10 digits are 3.141592653
Pi = 3.14159 ..... 31415 ... Garden City / Savannah, Georgia 14159 ... doesn't exist in the US Postal Svc official list of ZIP codes.
3.1415, but it rounds to 3.1416
See below-