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Q: What according to sociologists there is a correlation between a group's?
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What is Age Composition?

According age groups from children to elder peoples for example children between 0 - 15 comes under one group and adults between 15 - 59 etc and 60+

What happens when one mistakenly implies causality where only a correlation between two variables exists?

In scientific circles this would usually lead to embarrassment because most people in such company hearing such a claim would quickly discredit it. In groups where such claims are accepted they lead to further unproven assertions and possible falsehoods some of which will probably be absurd.

How many groups of tetrachords are there in a major scale?

There are two groups of tetrachords in a major scale with a whole step in between.

What is the angle between electron groups in the linear electron geometry?


Why do you have to recode a categorical variable into dummy variables?

To capture and express differences between group means produced by categorical predictors (independent variables) using correlational/regression techniques, one typically encodes categorical variables vis-a-vis dummy, contrast or effects coding to produce vectors, each of which define a group difference in the form of a slope coefficient. Each vector can be thought of as a predictor variable which targets a single degree of freedom difference (or the difference between two group means). The correlation between a vector and the criterion (dependent variable), when squared, expresses the difference between two group means as a proportion of variance accounted for (the proportion of variance in DV accounted for by being either in grp1 or grp2). Coding allows one to easily partition the between groups variance. The vectors are always single degree of freedom values (two coded values for two groups). How many vectors? The number is equal to the degrees of freedom of the between groups term or one less than the number of groups. Take a look at Kepple & Zeddeck 1989 "data analysis for research designs". Hope this helps.

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What do sociologists call patterns of interaction between groups and individuals?

Sociologists refer to patterns of interaction between groups and individuals as social dynamics. These dynamics involve the ways in which individuals and groups relate, communicate, and behave within a social context, shaping social structures and relationships.

What career studies behavior of human groups?

Sociologists do that.

Why do sociologists focus on groups rather than on individuals?


What are the role of sociologists?

Sociologists help governmental departments, schools, hospitals, prisons and other institutions and organisations formulate appropriate policies. They help people to understand how best to communicate and engage with individuals and groups within society.

What four groups of scientists study society?

Sociologists,Psychologists,Anthropologists and Archeologists.

Why do sociologists focus on groups rather then individuals?

Sociologists focus on groups rather than individuals because studying how people interact within social groups helps to understand larger social structures and patterns. By examining group dynamics, sociologists can uncover societal norms, values, and power dynamics that influence behavior and shape society as a whole. Additionally, groups provide a context for understanding how individuals are influenced by and contribute to social processes.

What theory states sociologists contend that difference between component groups in the us are important and help to make up a diverse eclectic mixture?

The theory that states sociologists contend that differences between component groups in the US are important and help make up a diverse eclectic mixture is the theory of multiculturalism. This theory emphasizes the value of diversity and the coexistence of different cultural groups within a society, highlighting the contributions that diverse backgrounds bring to the overall fabric of society.

What trend reduced tensions between sociologist in medicine and sociologist of medicine?

The trend of interdisciplinary collaborations and shared research interests in health sociology reduced tensions between sociologists in medicine and sociologists of medicine. This shift encouraged a more integrative approach to studying the social aspects of health, leading to greater cooperation and mutual respect between the two groups.

African Americans and the IQ?

IQ has no correlation with ethnic groups.

What are all sociologists trying to do?

Sociologists study society and human behavior in order to understand social phenomena such as social structures, institutions, and inequalities. Their goal is to provide insight into how societies function, change over time, and impact individuals and groups. Through their research, sociologists aim to improve understanding of social issues and contribute to addressing them.

What scientist studies and compares the customsbeliefsand ways of life of different groups of people?

anthropologist and sociologists

What the are major interests of sociologists?

Social groups,cultural influences, social behavior,social change, and behavior