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Q: What advice would you give Alexis to help her solve her problem?
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An algorithm is the series of steps to solve problem, so you would be looking for the series of steps to solve a math problem.

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It could solve it because there would be a unity and once there is unity there would be cooperation

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There was no word problem, so it would be a null equation.

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It depends on the problem you are trying to solve. like; 2x + 3 = 13. it would be "5". (Multiplication.) or x/3 = 6. x= 18. this is a division problem. Like I said, it all depends on your problem.

How do you say alexis in different languages?

In Spanish, you would say "Alexis." In French, you would also say "Alexis." In Italian, you would say "Alessio." In German, you would say "Alexis."

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I would go with "Alexis's sweet sixteen"

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It would solve the head gasket or a cracked head. Sources: My dad.

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Edison's problem was DC. You would need a generator every few miles. He didn't solve the problem Tesla solved it. AC was a better system.