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one 17th century florin = $14 USD now based on current price of silver and amount of silver in florin

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Q: What amount would the 17th century German or Austrian florin be equal to for today's American dollar?
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How many seconds are there in a century?

It would be best to work out how many seconds in a minute, then multiply by the amount in each subsequent unit: Number of seconds in a minute is 60 Number of minutes in an hour is 60, so seconds in an hour is 3,600 Number of hours in a day is 24, so seconds in a day is 86,400 Number of days in a year is 365.242199 so seconds in a year is 31,556,925.9936 Number of years in a century is 100, so seconds in a century is 3,155,692,599.36 Or to 3 sig figs, 3.16billion

What is the largest amount of American currency one can hold without having change for a dollar?

The largest amount of US coinage that one can hold without having change for a dollar is $1.19, comprised of: 3 quarters (or 1 half dollar and 1 quarter), 4 dimes, and 4 pennies

What five coins make a total of 0.72?

In American currency, the following common coins hold the following values:Penny: .01Nickel: .05Dime: .1Quarter: .25Fifty-cent piece (Kennedy): .5Dollar coin (there are several types): 1.Two quarters, two dimes, and a penny amount to .71.In the short time I have considered this problem, I cannot see how fewer than six coins (of American currency) can amount to .72. If there is a way, I apologize for my failure to convey it.

What is annualized amount?

For any periodic amount, it is the equivalent amount for a year!

How many zeros are their in one quintillion's?

This depends upon whether you mean the English quintillion or the American quintillion. In the English form of numbers, the number order goes as follows: million, billion, trillion, quadrillion then quintillion. Therefore the amount of zeros will be 18. In the American form, the number order duplicates itself, so-to-speak, making each major sector have more numbers. The number order goes as follows: million, thousand million, billion, thousand billion, trillion... etc. Therefore the amount of zeros will be 30.

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What does betrag in german mean?

amount value sum

How much is a 1902 Austrian 1000 Krone worth?

Little in reality. The paper it was printed on + an amount for sentimentality. Though, considering U.S. $1 = 4.96 Kr. in 1913, 1000 Kr. would translate to U.S. $4812.50 (23,870 Kr.) today! [If it had inflated the same way as the U.S. Dollar, by 2286.8% cumulative over the past century].

What ethnic background is Johnny Depp?

He is German, Cherokee (from his grandmother mostly) and Irish

Were does German shephards live?

German Shephard dogs are domesticated animals living in homes. German Shephards are fine in small areas as long as they have a great amount of time to exercise. :)

What do Austrian teenager boys do in summer?

Like boys from any other country, Austrian boys will do what any other regular boy will do. If you talking about teenage boys they will spend a relative amount of time with their family, as well as their friends. A child will probably do what their parents do. Considering the climate is sunny within Summer this probably involves Swimming or a temperature related activity. Austrian's will make the most of the hot weather as their winters are terribly cold.

Why is the border the place where the least amount of people live in Mexico?

Compared with the rest of Mexico, the Mexican border has a harsh climate, dominated by the Chihuahuan and Sonoran deserts. Also, until the later half of the 19th century, it had many Native American tribes hostile to Mexican and American settlers.

Which country was awarded the largest amount of German territory?

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What are the two groups of the American Revolution?

Thirteen American colonies (Rebels) side: USA, France, Spain, Holland, pirates, native Americans. British side (loyalists, patriots) side: Great Britain, some minor German states, tiny amount of native Americans

What role did submarines play in World War 1?

German submarines sank an enormous amount of British and Commonwealth shipping in the Atlantic and for a time in 1916 food stocks in Britain were down to about six weeks' supply. German submarines aslo sank some neutral ships and by sinking American ships they brought the U.S. into the war.

Is the Belgian Laekenois or the German Shepherd Dog larger?

Lakenois are bigger by a small amount, and are the least similiar to the German Shepherd of all four Belgian Shepherds.

What is the correct order from smallest amount of time to largest?

Year, Decade, Century, Millennium

What is the average amount of onions an American eats?
