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20 degrees is a measure of angular displacement. This cannot be converted to lateral (horizontal) displacement.

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Q: What angle has the same horizontal displacment as 20 degrees?
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What angle has same horizontal displacement as 25 degrees?


A projectile upward at an angle of 75degree from the horizontal and strikes the ground a certain distance down range.For what other angle of launch ath the same speed wouldthis projectile land just a?

For the projectile to land at the same distance with the same initial speed, it must be launched at an angle of 15 degrees from the horizontal. This is because the range of a projectile is maximized when launched at a 45-degree angle. So, launching at 15 degrees in the opposite direction of 75 degrees should bring the projectile to the same landing point.

What are the angles for which the range of projectile is the same?

For a projectile launched at an angle θ, the range is the same for angles of θ and (90-θ) degrees. This is because the horizontal and vertical components of the initial velocity are the same for these angles, resulting in the same horizontal range.

A ball is thrown into the air at angle of 45 degrees at what point is the total velocity the greatest?

The velocity is greatest at two points:1). when it leaves the hand of the tosser2). when it returns to the same height as it was when it was releasedThis answer is the same for any angle above horizontal, regardless of the angle.

How many degrees are there in a left angle?

The same as in a right angle which is 90 degrees

Will a vector at 45 degrees to he horizontal be larger or smaller than its horizontal and vertical components?

The magnitude of the vector at 45 degrees to the horizontal will be equal to the magnitude of its horizontal and vertical components. This is because the components are obtained by using trigonometric functions of the angle, and in this case, at 45 degrees, those functions yield the same value for both the horizontal and vertical components as the magnitude of the vector.

What is the angle of reflection if the angle between the incident ray and reflected ray is 140 degrees?

The angle of reflection is 140/2 = 70 degrees. The angle of reflection is the same as the the same as the incident.

Is acute angle and right angle the same thing?

No. An acute angle is an angle smaller than 90 degrees. A right angle is an angle that is exactly 90 degrees

What is the relationship if a angle has the same measure as its complement?

The angle is 45 degrees.

What is another measure for an angle that measured 283 degrees?

Another measurement could be 283-360 or -77* or 283+360 or 643*

Is a reflex angle and a obtuse angle the same?

No. An obtuse angle is one between 90 and 180 degrees. A reflex angle is one between 180 and 360 degrees.

Why is a zero degree angle same as a180 degree angle?

A zero degree angle is not the same as a 180 degree angle -- no more than a90 degree angle is the same as a 270 degree angle.It's not. An angle of zero is the same as an angle of 360 degrees. In fact, if you startwith any angle, and add or subtract 360 degrees from it, you wind up with the sameangle as the original one.