That depends what you want to do. If you multiply both the numerator and the denominator by the same number, you get another fraction that stands for the same number - an equivalent fraction. For example, if you have the fraction 1/2, you multiply top and bottom by 2, to get 2/4. 2/4 is simply another name for 1/2.
(1/2) * (1/4) is an example.
No. (-1/3) - (-2/3) = + 1/3
To divide a fraction by another fraction, you multiply by the reciprocal - that is, in the second fraction you exchange numerator and denominator, while at the same time changing the division to a multiplication.Example: 5 divided by one-and-a-half5 / (1 1/2) = 5 / (3/2) = 5 x (2/3)To divide a fraction by another fraction, you multiply by the reciprocal - that is, in the second fraction you exchange numerator and denominator, while at the same time changing the division to a multiplication.Example: 5 divided by one-and-a-half5 / (1 1/2) = 5 / (3/2) = 5 x (2/3)To divide a fraction by another fraction, you multiply by the reciprocal - that is, in the second fraction you exchange numerator and denominator, while at the same time changing the division to a multiplication.Example: 5 divided by one-and-a-half5 / (1 1/2) = 5 / (3/2) = 5 x (2/3)To divide a fraction by another fraction, you multiply by the reciprocal - that is, in the second fraction you exchange numerator and denominator, while at the same time changing the division to a multiplication.Example: 5 divided by one-and-a-half5 / (1 1/2) = 5 / (3/2) = 5 x (2/3)
1/2 then?
Another name for the fraction of one foot and six inches is 3/2 feet or 1 1/2 feet.
That depends what you want to do. If you multiply both the numerator and the denominator by the same number, you get another fraction that stands for the same number - an equivalent fraction. For example, if you have the fraction 1/2, you multiply top and bottom by 2, to get 2/4. 2/4 is simply another name for 1/2.
(1/2) * (1/4) is an example.
No. (-1/3) - (-2/3) = + 1/3
It is: 25/1 = 50/2
11/22 = 1/2
They are both fractions... an equivalent fraction is a fraction that is the same as another fraction. For example: 1/2 and 2/4 they are equivalent. A fraction is just .. a fraction any fraction.. 2/7 7/8 8/9 :)
28/2 is another fraction.
A fraction that is the same as another when it is simplified E.g. 1/2 is equivalent to 3/6
6/12 = 1/2