A dozen
Four people are commonly referred to as a quartet.
The riddle is more properly written as, "What comes once per year and four times in an average day?" Answer: The letter "a."
The answer is 84 years. A score is a group of 20 items/people/years, etc.
the trillions comes after the billions!
The four main groups are... Group O+ (the commonest), group A+, group B+ and group AB+
Assets, Liabilities and Equity Each of these can be further categorized such as Current Assets, Fixed Assets, Other Assets, etc.
Four Points Media Group ended in 2012.
A group of four singers is also known as a quartet.
Four Points Media Group was created in 2007.
the answer is iron
The noun for a four person singing group or musicians is a quartet.
A group of four is commonly referred to as a quartet.
Group A or Group B or Group C
Four chromatidsFour chromatids