Integers are whole numbers that can be positive, negative, or zero. Some examples of integers in real-life situations include: the temperature of -5 degrees Celsius, a bank account balance of $100, a football team's score of 7 points, a person's weight of 150 pounds, and a building's height of 20 stories. These examples demonstrate how integers are used to represent quantities in various contexts.
Example: Question: How many toes have you? Answer: At the last count, nine.
(-4) x (-2) = 8
i use integers in real life by checking the temepture, and even your health in video games or anything as long as it has a whole number in. So getting payed for a job, or buying something. You could also use it to count how many pages in a book, or tell time.
really important
there is no real life situation
they aren't used in real life, not unless you need them in a situation were you would need to use them.
Example: Question: How many toes have you? Answer: At the last count, nine.
Here are some examples of where we use integers in real life:-To keep track of inventory in a supermarketCounting how many pages are in a bookNumbering collections of objectsA clock uses integersIn recipes you use integers to find out how much of one ingredient is used in a recipes. For example 2 eggs, 1tsp of vanilla essence and 1tsp of water.
(-4) x (-2) = 8
i use integers in real life by checking the temepture, and even your health in video games or anything as long as it has a whole number in. So getting payed for a job, or buying something. You could also use it to count how many pages in a book, or tell time.
really important
there is no real life situation
real situation example for x=14>17
A lot more than you think!
There are very few real life examples of nonagons. The only examples that I can think of are a few coins.
Integer Real life problems are examples in real life that relate to Intgers. For example, Lakes: Positive Integers could be related to the height of the lake above sea level Negative integers would related with the height of the lake below sea level Banks- Depositing $20 (positive number) into your account. And then the next day withdraw 100 20-100=???