You use integers in golf, temperature (not body temp. because those sometimes use decimals), football yardage, weight, globes, and maps.
Integer Real life problems are examples in real life that relate to Intgers. For example, Lakes: Positive Integers could be related to the height of the lake above sea level Negative integers would related with the height of the lake below sea level Banks- Depositing $20 (positive number) into your account. And then the next day withdraw 100 20-100=???
in cookbooks and recipes
temperature.. -20 degrees 34 degree.. the numbers are integers. Of course you could have 20.4 degree, but often just integers are used
ATOMS are real life examples of atoms. They do exist.
how theory of probability used in real life
examples of quadratic equation in word problem form with real life situations like sports baseball, hockey
buying food
There are many situations where integers are simply not enough. However, "real numbers" are mainly of theoretical importance; for most practical situations, numbers that have a limited number of decimals work quite well.
Here are some examples of where we use integers in real life:-To keep track of inventory in a supermarketCounting how many pages are in a bookNumbering collections of objectsA clock uses integersIn recipes you use integers to find out how much of one ingredient is used in a recipes. For example 2 eggs, 1tsp of vanilla essence and 1tsp of water.
(-4) x (-2) = 8
i use integers in real life by checking the temepture, and even your health in video games or anything as long as it has a whole number in. So getting payed for a job, or buying something. You could also use it to count how many pages in a book, or tell time.
Integers are whole numbers that can be positive, negative, or zero. Some examples of integers in real-life situations include: the temperature of -5 degrees Celsius, a bank account balance of $100, a football team's score of 7 points, a person's weight of 150 pounds, and a building's height of 20 stories. These examples demonstrate how integers are used to represent quantities in various contexts.
Believe it or not, school is a real life situation. If you are using it in school it real life for you.
really important
You use integers in golf, temperature (not body temp. because those sometimes use decimals), football yardage, weight, globes, and maps.