This is only five, but there are more
the pentagon is a 5 sided shape that is a polygon.also the sides need to be straight Sum of angles of pentagon = 540 degree
a pentagon has 10 lines of symmetry
The vertex of a 3D pentagon is 10. :)
They have: 5, 6, 10 and 4 sides respectively
the pentagon is a 5 sided shape that is a polygon.also the sides need to be straight Sum of angles of pentagon = 540 degree
im doing pwer point
penta means the # 5 as in pentagon
a pentagon has 10 lines of symmetry
The vertex of a 3D pentagon is 10. :)
9 11 attacked the Pentagon and succeeded and also tried to attack The White House but failed
Put a small pentagon inside a larger pentagon...
They have: 5, 6, 10 and 4 sides respectively
An irregular pentagon.