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Q: How many triangles would there be in a star in a pentagon?
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How many triangles are there in a pentagon with a star?


How many triangles in a pentagon with a star inside?


How many triangles are in a pentagon with a star shape in the middle of the pentagon?

there are 35 triangles in a pentagon with a pentagram inside. We can see that there are seven different distinct types of triangles(you can cout them). Since you can rotate the triangle in five different ways we do 7*5 do i knw u telephone by lady gaga tik tok by k

How many triangles in a star within a star?

4 because the Hebrew star has 2 triangles on it meaning if you had a star in a star you would have double right? So There we conclude that there is 4 triangles in a star within a star.

How many triangles in the star?

There are 3 to 10 triangles in a star.

How many triangles are there total in the Star of David?

There is 8 triangles in the Star of David.

How many triangles are there in a 6 pointed star?

Six triangles.

One star has how many triangles?

One star has five triangles on the sides, and about three in the middle, if enough lines are drawn.

How many triangles in a pentagram?

A pentagon is a shape with five corners and five equal sides. A pentagon can be divided into five equal triangles. A pentagram is a pentagon with five triangles drawn on each side, forming a star.

How many points does the star known as a pentagon have?


How many triangles in star of David?

If it is in the form of two inverted triangles, then there are 8 triangles. If only the outline is used, there are 0 triangles.

How many triangles are in an 8 sided star?

8 (?)