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Ten green bottles, sitting on a wall!

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Q: What are 10 things that are perpendicular?
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What are things things that are perpendicular?

things that are perpendicular is things that are T

What is the slope of the line perpendicular to line whose slope is 2 over 10?

Answer:-10/2=-5Solution:The relation between the line slope and it's perpendicular line slope is negative reciprocal, i.e.Slope of the line perpendicular = -1/Slope of the line= -1/(2/10)= -1 x 10/2= -10/2= -5

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What are 4 things in geometry that determine a plane?

perpendicular lines

What is the slope of the line perpendicular to the line y equals 2 divided by 5x plus 10?

If: y = 2/5x+10 then the perpendicular slope is -5/2x or -2.5x

What has perpendicular sides?

Lots of things. Please be more specific with your question.

What is the perpendicular from the point 2 4 to the line y equals 2x plus 10 on the Cartesian plane with work shown?

If you mean the perpendicular distance then it is worked out as follows:- Equation: y = 2x+10 Perpendicular slope: -1/2 Perpendicular equation: y-4 = -1/2(x-2) => 2y = -x+10 The two equations intersect at: (-2,6) Perpendicular distance is the square root of: (-2-2)2+(6-4)2 = 4.472 to 3 d.p.

How many perpendicular sides does a decagon has?

10, A decagon has a maximum of five pairs of perpendicular lines, and a maximum of 5 parallel lines. however, this isn't in black and white it can have no pairs of line either perpendicular or parallel

What number is less than 10 and has perpendicular lines?

If you form the digits with a seven-segment LED display, then all of the digits except '1' have perpendicular lines.

Graph the line perpendicular to 7x plus 10y equals 4.5?

7x + 10y = 4.5 : 10y = -7x + 4.5 : y = -x.7/10 + 0.45, the gradient of this line is -7/10 Two straight lines are perpendicular if the product of their gradients is -1. Let the equation for the perpendicular line be y = mx + c Then m x -7/10 = -1 : m = 10/7 The equation for the perpendicular line is y = x.10/7 + c If the values of x and y for the point of intersection are provided then these can be substituted in the perpendicular line equation and the value of c obtained. If appropriate, the equation can then be restructured to a format similar to the original equation.

What is the slope of a line perpendicular to x plus 10y equals 50?

10 is.

How many perpendicular faces does a pentagonal prism have?

A pentagonal prism has only 7 faces. Each of the five lateral faces is perpendicular to the two bases: that makes 10 pairs of mutually perpendicular faces. In general, the lateral faces are not perpendicular, but four of them may be perpendicular to one or more of its neighbors - at most 4 more pairs. Still not 25!