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Q: What are 3 ways to answer a science question?
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Maths is a science. It's not the typical science people think of, but it is a science. Science is a maths-based subject. You need maths in science but you don't need 'science' in maths. Your question can be interpreted in different ways, but it really depends on what you mean by science or maths and the definition you use.

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A question related to science?

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Please try again, and phrase the question in the form of a question next time.

How many ways can 3 students line up?

This is a question of permutation. There are only 3 ways. A-B-C, B-C-A, C-A-B

What are the 3 different ways you could record or summarize data in your science journal?

Tables,charts and graphs.

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Electricity is the science way of dealing with electric currents and charges

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Sorry Don't understand the question.

What is the hardest science question?

is there a god. that's the hardest science question!

What are the science questions?

Science questions are science questions.

Describe ways that technology can be used to make monitoring and inspection of bridges more efficient and effective?

who ever asked this is in Mrs.Akers science class because this is the same question word for word on the science sheet hahaha