

Best Answer

1. LxWxH volume

2. Pouring liqiuid into a measuring cup

3. Droping a abstract object into beaker and measuring the difference

ex/ pouring 10ml of water into a beaker, and you drop a abstract object which u cannot meaure with tradition methods, and them measturing the difference. So when you drop it in the water rises to 12ml u subtracrt 12m with 10ml and you have 2ml which is the volume of your object

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Q: What are 3 ways to calculate the volume of an object?
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How would you calculate the density of the object?

To calculate the density of an object, divide the mass of the object by its volume. The formula for density is: Density = Mass / Volume. The resulting value will be in units such as grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm^3) for solid objects.

What is the density of an object have a mass of 54 and a volume of 300?

The density of the object is 0.18 g/cm^3, calculated by dividing the mass of 54g by the volume of 300 cm^3.

How do you calculate the volume of an i regular object?

To calculate the volume of a regular object, you can typically use geometric formulas specific to the shape of the object. For example, the volume of a cube is calculated by V = s^3, where s is the length of one side. For a cylinder, the volume is calculated using V = πr^2h, where r is the radius of the base and h is the height. Just apply the appropriate formula for the shape of the object you are working with.

Can you find the volume of object which does not sink in water?

If an object does not sink in water, it means the object's density is less than that of water. To find the volume of such an object, you can measure its mass and then divide by the density of water (1000 kg/m^3) to calculate the volume. The formula for volume is volume = mass/density.

How do you calculate the density what object object A -length is 6cm width is 3cm height is 1cm and mass is 36 grams what is the volume and what is the density?

To calculate the volume of object A, multiply its length, width, and height: 6cm * 3cm * 1cm = 18 cm^3. To calculate the density, divide the mass by the volume: 36g / 18 cm^3 = 2 g/cm^3. Therefore, the volume of object A is 18 cm^3 and its density is 2 g/cm^3.

Calculate the density of an object that has a mass of 25 grams and a volume of 400cm3?

The density of the object is calculated by dividing the mass by the volume. In this case, density = 25g / 400cm^3 = 0.0625 g/cm^3.

What is the procedure for finding the volume of a regular object?

If the object shape can be approximated as being comprised of several simple geometric shapes one can just calculate the volume of each of these shapes based on their individual geometries. If the object is highly asymmetrical and it is not comprised of a series of geometrically simple shapes then you can do the following: 1) calibrate a large vat or container by marking the volume at various levels. 2) fill the container (not to the top) with water. 3) submerge the object in the container 4) calculate the change in volume. 5) the volume of the object is equal to the change in volume in the container If the object is too big to be placed in a vat but the object has a homogeneous density then one can do the following: 1) break off a small piece of the object 2) measure the mass of this small sample piece 3) measure the volume of the small object sample using steps 1-5 above 3) calculate the density of the homogenous material that comprises the sample density=mass/volume 4) measure the mass of the entire object 5) calculate the total volume: volume=mass/density 6) if you want to be precise you can add to this the sample volume that you cut away in step 1 If the object can't be submerged and is made up of several parts with different homogeneous densities then repeat steps 1-6 for each part of the object and sum the values of the volume for each part of the object. (Note: do not use this method if you value keeping the object in one piece.) If the object can't be submerged and has a variable density throughout its volume then do the following: 1) create a mold of the object 2) fill the mold with water 3) calculate the volume of water required to fill the mold

Describe 3 ways to find out which has bigger volume?

You can use either your eyes, calculate the volume or practically pour liquids in a given container to find out which one has a bigger volume.

What is the density specific volume and volume of an object that weighs 3 lb in water and 4 lb in oil with specific gravity 0.83?

The specific gravity of oil = 0.83. This means the density of oil = 0.83 times the density of water. Given the weight of the object in water and oil, you can calculate its volume in both liquids by comparing the buoyant forces acting on it in each case. Once you have the volume, you can use it to calculate the density and specific volume of the object.

What is the density of an object with a mass of 35 grams and a volume of 7 cm?

Square centimeter is a unit of area, not of volume. Assuming you meant cubic centimeters, just divide the mass by the volume.

How do you get the volume for science?

To find the volume of an object, measure the length, width, and height in metric units. Multiply these dimensions together (volume = length x width x height) to calculate the volume. The unit of volume will be cubic units (cm^3, m^3, etc.).

How do you calculate the volume of an irregular cone?

To calculate the volume of an irregular cone, you can use the formula V = (1/3) * A * h, where A is the base area of the cone and h is the height of the cone. First, find the area of the base, then multiply it by the height and divide by 3 to get the volume.