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necessitated import of some 80% of the islands' food supply. Among steps the government has taken to expand and improve agriculture is the reserving of 182,000 hectares (450,000 acres) exclusively for farming, 8,000 hectares (20,000 acres) of which were converted to fruit farming. Export-oriented orange, grapefruit, and cucumber production in Abaco grew as export demand expanded. However, on Eleuthera, most agricultural and fishing infrastructure was seriously damaged by Hurricane Andrew. Agricultural products in 1999 included 45,000 tons of sugar cane, 14,000 tons of grapefruit, and 22,000 tons of vegetable

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Q: What are 4 contributions farming can make in assisting the economy of the Bahamas?
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What is question 3 for social studies bjc course work 2011?

The economy of the Bahamas is in a recession explain at least four contributions farming can make to the economy.

What type of economy does Barbados have?

The Bahamas economy consist of plantation and farming

What is question 3 for social studies bjc course work 2012?

chall The economy of The Bahamas is in a recession. Explain at least FOUR contributions farming can make to assist in ipoving the economyy 10 points. find the answers ya self

What type of industry and economy does the Bahamas have?

farming and fishing and tourism

How do you help poor attitude towards farming in The Bahamas?

Celebrate your farmers instead of bringing them down , at the end we are going to need them. Farming provides many positive contributions to the economy. And some of these include jobs , money , food , and sense of self-sufficiency. Serena M.

What is pothole farming in the Bahamas and describe it?

pothole farming in the bahamas is faring with limestones, and red soil

What are the two main types of farming in the Bahamas?

Farming can help the economy by providing jobs. Some farms are labor intensive and they are in need of plenty of manual laborers and you don't have to be a professional or have to have a degree to qualify for this job. Farming provides raw materials that can be exported which would generate income. When we send these items to other people, we receive money. Farming would also help our economy by us having fewer things to import because when we import we have to pay money of freight, gas, shipping etc. By us having fewer things to import we can save lots of money. Another contribution farming can make to our economy is by us not having to depend on tourism heavily anymore because we have farming.

What is poor farming transportation in the Bahamas?

Farming in the Bahamas is difficult because of the tropical conditions. The soil is a cause of poor transportation.

How has farming helped the Bahamas?

Not that much.I think tourism helping Bahamas.

What is a farming economy?

An Economy based around farming

What are some contributions farming can make to assist in improving the economy in a recession?

Farming helps the economy in a recession by providing jobs, providing food , helps with foreign exchange due to exports and helps a country to become self sustainng.

Name the types of farming done in the Bahamas?

Commercial and Subsistence Farming