Parallelogram and Rectangle
Every rectangle is also a parallelogram and a quadrilateral.
square, quadrilateral, rectangle, parallelogram
It is called a square or a rectangle, however a rectangle is just a streched square.
A square, a rectangle, a parallelogram.
Parallelogram and Rectangle
Every rectangle is also a parallelogram and a quadrilateral.
rhombus rectangle
rhombus rectangle
No, but put 2 squares beside each other and get a rectangle! No, that's why they have different names.
The answer is: square rectangle rhombus trapezoid.
square, quadrilateral, rectangle, parallelogram
It is called a square or a rectangle, however a rectangle is just a streched square.
A rectangle has 4 sides whereas a triangle hs 3 sides
A rhombus, a parallelogram, and a rectangle, are different examples of quadrilaterals, that is, four-sided shapes.
square, rectangle, trapezoid, rhombus
a triangle has 3 sides. a rectangle has 4 sides.