Five landforms are valleys, mesas, plains, mountains, and hills.
blah blah blah
Volcanoes are thought to be both constructive and deconstructive. They have the ability to create new landforms while destroying other landforms in the process.
Beaches, Marshes, and Islands make up coastal landforms. Land off of the itercoastal waterways also are considered coastal. These landforms can be sand, clay, rock etc.. making up the coastal plains and even mountains and cliff formations.
it is fals geogrophers look at many reagons and study much more than individual cities and landforms
I thonk louisiana has 5 landforms
Mountain, hill, river, lake, and plains.
tundra, forest, by rivers
Mountains, Continents, Volcanoes, Islands, and Fault Lines are the 5 landforms caused by plate movement.
Australia, north America, south America, Asia, and Europe
Lunar landforms are landforms on the moon
landforms landforms
edmontons landforms is the largest city in Canada no major landforms that are natural
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