eight vigintillion five hundred fifty five novemdecillion (novendecillion) two hundred twenty two octodecillion two hundred twenty five septendecillion five hundred fifty five sexdecillion (sedecillion) five hundred fifty five quindecillion (quinquadecillion) five hundred fifty five quattuordecillion five hundred fifty five tredecillion five hundred fifty five duodecillion five hundred fifty five undecillion five hundred fifty five decillion five hundred fifty five nonillion five hundred fifty five octillion five hundred fifty five septillion five hundred fifty five sextillion five hundred fifty five quintillion five hundred fifty five quadrillion five hundred fifty five trillion five hundred fifty five billion five hundred fifty five million five hundred fifty five thousand five hundred fifty five
Five. Five. Five. Five.
Five. Five. Five. Five.
55 = 3125
five and five hundredths- 5.05
there are now 6 levels
The five levels would be on like the organization in ecology.
Five levels in Zacky's Quest
Five of them.
The five levels of the environment are organism, population, community, ecosystem, and biosphere. These levels represent different scales at which ecological interactions and processes occur.
biomeecosystem communitiespopulationorganism
The Webkinz Wiki states that there are 25 five levels to be completed. There is no trophy that is rewarded when all the levels are finished.
i believe there's 15 - five levels per movie