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Q: What are Calculated values from a sample are called?
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What is a sample statistics?

It is a value calculated from the sample values only.It is a value calculated from the sample values only.It is a value calculated from the sample values only.It is a value calculated from the sample values only.

A numerical value calculated for a sample is called a?

A numerical value calculated for a sample is called a descriptive statistic.

What is the set of input values called?

In a statistical context this is usually called a sample.

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What is mean of any calculated number from a sample from the population is called statics such as the mean or the variance?

i mean conclucion

If the variance of the data values in a sample is 169 what is the standard deviation of the data values?

For a sample, the SD is 13.53, approx.

What is the single quantity compared to an entire sample?

The single quantity compared to an entire sample is called a statistic. It is a numerical measurement calculated from the data in the sample, such as the mean, median, or standard deviation. The statistic provides insight into the characteristics or properties of the sample as a whole.

How do you find the sample mean?

Add the values of the variable for all elements in the sample and divide by the number of elements on the sample.

If there is a small difference such as 5 600 and 5 602 between mean and median values what does this mean?

If the sample is small or not randomly chosen, it may not have much meaning at all. If the random sample is large, it would generally be inferred that the distribution is symmetrical. The skewness of the data can be calculated.

If the variance of the data values in a sample is 121 what is the standard deviation of the data values?


What does the word statistic mean?

A statistic is a value calculated from a data sample. For example, the mean (average) is a statistic. You calculate the mean by adding up the values of the data you have and dividing by the number of values. Usually, you want to know the corresponding value for the whole population but this is impossible to obtain in practice. So you have to use a statistic calculated from a sample. For eaxmple, if you want to know the height of sixteen year old students in the UK, you cannot measure every single student. So you measure a sample (selected randomly), and calculate the average height of the sample. This is a statistic. See:

In statistics what would you call the conclusions drawn about a population?

INFERENCES Any calculated number from a sample from the population is called a 'statistic', such as the mean or the variance.