There is basically one way to write hexadecimal numbers. Of course, the numbers represent information, and this information can be represented in may other ways; some of them are in binary (4 binary digits for each hexadecimal digit), in decimal, or each byte as as decimal number (as in the dotted decimal notation used for IP version 4 numbers).
The dotted lines in the right side are for the length. This is to make the map easier to read.
Dotted decimal notation
Dotted-decimal notation
Dotted decimal
Dotted decimal
dotted decimal
addresses are 32-bit numbers often expressed as 4 octets in "dotted decimal" notation (for ... Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers ...
dotted decimal notation
The term "slash notation" refers to the way a processor reads an IP address. The "Watchguard" website gives a table showing the most common network masks and their equivalent in slash notation.