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Q: What are Pythagoras' perfect numbers?
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What did Pythagoras Contribute to history?

Pythagoras studied odd and even numbers, triangular numbers, and perfect numbers. Pythagoreans contributed to our understanding of angles, triangles, areas, proportion, polygons, and polyhedra

Why was Pythagoras known as the father of numbers?

Pythagoras is called the father of numbers because he discovered the Pythagoras theoram.

Greek mathmetician known as the father of numbers?

pythagoras pythagoras

What is a perfect number according to Pythagoras?

An Integer?

Who discovered irrational numbers?

Hippasus, However Pythagoras could not accept the existence of irrational numbers, because he believed that all numbers had perfect values. But he could not disprove Hippasus' "irrational numbers" and so Hippasus was thrown overboard and drowned.

What would Pythagoras call a perfect number?


What number did Pythagoras consider a perfect number?


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What was Pythagoras's motto?

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What did Pythagoras say about atoms?

Pythagoras did not specifically discuss atoms, as the concept of the atom was developed by later philosophers like Democritus. Pythagoras focused on geometry, mathematics, and the concept of numbers as the essence of reality.

Who said numbers rule the universe?

The Greek philosopher Pythagoras is often attributed to saying "Numbers rule the universe." This quote reflects his belief in the importance of mathematical principles in understanding the natural world and the underlying order of the universe.