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Q: What are The units for square centimeter written as?
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One centimeter is equal to how many Square centimeters?

One centimeter is equal to 1 square centimeter. This is because a square centimeter is the area of a square with sides measuring 1 centimeter each.

What expression describe the length of the rectangle the length of the rectangle is 84.5 square centimeter?

The length of a triangle can't be expressed in square units and only its area is expressed in square units

What is r 3 cm rounded to the nearest square Unit?

Suppose you had a rectangle that was 12.75 units by 19.6 units. The area would be 249.9 square units which would round to 250 square units to the nearest square unit. Since a centimeter isn't a square unit, it can't be rounded to the nearest square unit.

How much centimeter are in a cubic square of dry ice?

The question is a noteworthy model of efficiency. In a mere 11 words, it manages almost a half-dozen inconsistencies, contradictions, and logical impossibilities. It has no answer. -- 'centimeter' is a unit of length -- 'centimeter' can't be used to describe a volume -- volume is described in 'cubic' units -- area is described in 'square' units -- there is no such unit as a 'cubic square'

How do you change square centimeter to centimeter?

You cannot change square centimeter to centimeter. The square centimeter is a measure of area and the centimeter is a measure of distance.

How many colony forming units per square centimeter are typically found under the fingernails?


What units is the answer always written for an area problem?

square units

5340 centimeter how many in square meter?

A centimetre is a unit of length. A square metre is a unit of area. The two units are therefore incompatible.

What square centimeter would be 17 cm?

A centimetre is a unit of distance. A square centimetre is a unit of area. The two units are therefore incompatible.

Why is area always written in square units?

Area is always reported in square units because a square unit measures the length and width on a square. Square units measure the surface of a square or rectangle.

When finding the area of a figure the answer is always written in what units?

square units

How are the units for square inches written?

The units of square inches can be written in two different ways:As the (abbreviated) unit (in) squared: in²As an abbreviation of each of the words of square inches: