

Which number pairs have the gcf of 1?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Co-prime numbers

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Q: Which number pairs have the gcf of 1?
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How do you find the gcf of 73 and 127?

Find the factor pairs of each number. The greatest factor in common is the GCF. A hint, the definition of a prime number is a number with only two factors: 1 and itself.

What number has the GCF and LCM the same?

The GCF and LCM of 10 and 10 is 10.

Which of the pairs have gcf of 1?

The ones that are relatively prime, or co-prime.

What is the GCF of 56 and 5?

GCF of a composite number and a prime number is always 1. Here, 5 is a prime number therefore, gcf is 1.

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By its very definition, a single number cannot have a greatest common factor. The word "common" is there to indicate common to more than one integer. Of the 11 pairs, triplets and quads that can be drawn from the four numbers, 6 have GCF = 3, 4 have GCF = 6, and 1 has GCF = 15.

What must be true about LCM of nay number pairs in which one number is the GCF of the other number?

The LCM is the other number.

Find the greatest common factor of these number pairs 21 and 24?

The GCF is 3.

Which pair of numbers has a greatest common factor of 1?

Any two prime numbers have a greatest common factor of 1. Examples: The GCF of 5 and 19 is 1. The GCF of 3 and 7 is 1. The GCF of 23 and 29 is 1. A prime number and any other number that is not a multiple of it have a greatest common factor of 1. Examples: The GCF of 2 and 9 is 1. The GCF of 7 and 16 is 1. The GCF of 13 and 60 is 1. Other pairs of numbers without any prime factors in common also have a greatest common factor of 1. Examples: The GCF of 4 and 9 is 1. The GCF of 21 and 25 is 1. The GCF of 72 and 77 is 1.

What are three pairs of gcf of 16?

The factor pairs (not the GCF) of 16 are (16,1)(8,2)(4,4)

Which of the following pairs of numbers has a GCF of 1?

The two that are relatively prime.

What is the greatest common factor of 54 and 55?

The GCF is 1. Anytime there are two consecutive integers, their GCF will be 1.

What is the GCF of 1 and 24?

GCF of 1 and any natural number is always 1. Therefore, GCF of 1 and 24 is 1.