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1 Factors are numbers that can divided into other numbers leaving no remainders

2 Prime numbers have only two factors

3 Composite numbers have more than two factors

4 Two is the only even prime factor

5 Highest common factor reduces fractions to their lowest terms

6 Greatest common factor reduces ratios to their lowest proportions

7 One has only one factor which is itself

8 Prime factors are used to find the lowest common denominator of fractions

9 Prime factors are used to find the lowest common multiple of numbers

10 Zero has no factors

11 is a Prime number because it has only two factors

12 is a composite number because it has more than two factors

13 as a product of itself is 1*13

14 as a product of its prime factors is 2*7

15 as a product of its prime factors is 3*5

16 has square composite factors because 4*4=16

17 is a prime number whose consecutive odd number 19 is also a prime number

18 has 9 as a factor because its digits add up to 9

19 Factors are only applicable to whole numbers or integers

20 has 1, 2, 4, 5, 10 and 20 as its factors

21 A factor tree can be created to write a number as a product of its prime factors

22 Prime numbers are used to find the highest common factor or lowest common multiple of two or more numbers

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Mathematics (of an integer) being the product of two or more factors greater than one; not prime.

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I suggest you take a look at the Wikipedia article on "triangle", or at some similar source. I am sure you can find lots of interesting facts there.

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Get your FREE credit score from LendingTree.You'll never pay. Ever.View a summary of your credit file.Your score and credit file are refreshed every month.Personalized insight into accounts in your credit file.View your Vantage Score© 3.0Score Factors: Personal Score page with factors that can impact the calculation of credit scoresDelivered online quickly, safely and securely24-hour online access to your credit score and updates free on a monthly basisCheck out your free credit score now!

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