

Best Answer

1 It's a perfectly rounded 2 dimensional shape

2 It can be easily constructed with a compass

3 Its perimeter is better known as its circumference

4 Its diameter spans its circumference cutting through its centre

5 Its radius is half of its diameter

6 It can be concentric with other circles sharing the same centre

7 Its circumference divided by its diameter is the value of pi

8 Its pi value has never been determined because it's an irrational number

9 Its circumference is: 2*pi*radius or diameter*pi

10 Its area is: pi*radius squared

11 Its radius can be found by: circumference/2*pi

12 Its diameter can found by: circumference/pi

13 Its circumference touches a straight line tangent at only one point

14 Its circumference is a full rotation of 360 degrees

15 Its circumference measured in parts are arcs

16 Its radius is the length of an arc which is a radian

17 Its radian is just under 57.3 degrees

18 Its lines of symmetry are infinite

19 It has chords which are straight lines spanning its circumference

20 It has segments which is an area enclosed by an arc and a chord

21 It has sectors which is an area area enclosed by an arc and 2 radii

22 It has certain particular interior and exterior angular properties

23 Its best friend is the sphere because they have so much in common

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Q: What are a score or more facts about the circle and its properties?
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I can get you started with one: Nobody who knows anything about it calls it "the pi of a circle". Pi is pi.

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I suggest you take a look at the Wikipedia article on "triangle", or at some similar source. I am sure you can find lots of interesting facts there.

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A square is a special type of rectangle; therefore it has all the properties of a rectangle. Any property that a rectangle has, a square has as well. This includes the facts that it has four right angles (that's where the name "rectangle" comes from), that opposite sides are parallel, that opposite sides have the same length, and that diagonals have the same length.

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A dozen is 12; a score is 20. Thus a score is more than a dozen.

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The Arctic one.The score is 3 to 1 in favor of the Arctic Circle.All land on the Antarctic Circle is part of the Antarctic continent. But the Arctic Circle crosses land belonging to North America, Europe, and Asia.

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Any chord of a circle that contains the center of the circle is a diameter of that circle.Just two things now. We'll say that the chord of a circle that passes through the center is the longest chord of that circle, but you've probably already figured that out. Additionally, we'll say that there are an infinite number of chords that can be drawn through the center of a circle. Now you're armed and ready to continue your investigation in geometry. A link can be found below to check facts and gather more information.

If there is half a circle a quarter circle and an eighth of a circle how much more of the circle is needed to make it whole?

Half circle plus quarter circle is equal to three-fourths of a circle. Three-fourths of a circle plus one eighth of a circle is seven-eighths. You still need one more eighth to complete the circle.