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Q: What are all names for parallelogram?
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What are all the names a parallelogram can be called?

A parallelogram is a 4 sided quadrilateral.

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quadrilateral, parallelogram

What is 3 names for a parallelogram?

3 names for a parallelogram

What are all the names you can use rectangle?

parallelogram hope i help you :) Well, I think it is a parallelogram, square, rhombus. That is all I know :P

What are all the names you can use for each quadrilateral?

The best names, square, parallelogram and that is all I know. I hope i helped.

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These are all names of polygons.

What are rhombus parallelogram and a rectangle are all names for?

A rhombus, a parallelogram, and a rectangle, are different examples of quadrilaterals, that is, four-sided shapes.

Two names for a parallelogram?

a square and a rectangle and a rhombus and a parallelogram

What is the names for a parallelogram?

a polygon

What are other names for a parallelogram?

A parallelogram is also a square, rhombus, and rectangle.

What are two names that describe a rectangular polygon?

Parallelogram, quadrilateral Parallelogram means "All opposite sides are equal" Quadrilateral means "Four-sided"

What are the similarities of a rhombus and a parallelogram?

They are just different names for the same shape. * * * * * Actually, they are not. A rhombus is a parallelogram with all its sides of the same length. It is, therefore a special kind of parallelogram. (Just like a square is a special kind of rectangle). So all properties of a parallelogram apply to a rhombus.