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Firstly what is sum and product in maths

They are terms used in maths, another way of saying total

The term for the total in

+ Addition======Sum

x Multiplication===Product

- Subtraction====Difference

/ Division====== Quotient

(sorry about the computer sign for division, when will manufacturers sort it)

The answer = 9, 16, 21, 24, 25

why? well

Pairs of numbers with the sum of 10 are:-






so that means therefore






So the products or totals of these pairs of numbers are

9,16,21,24 and 25

Dont forget you can also reverse the sums as well, but it won't change my answer.

What I mean is, mirror the sums (I am sure you know this but)

1+9 is the same as 9+1 and so on

as is

1x9 is the same as 9x1 and so on

Do you see this (I am sure you did) but for our younger viewers I thought it was worth mentioning

Good luck with your Year 5 Maths everyone

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