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Q: What are all the spacecrafts names?
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What were the names of the first spacecrafts?

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What is the names of the s first spacecrafts into space?

Sputnik 1 Sputnik 1

When did they discover spacecrafts on Venus?

Although several spacecrafts have been sent to Venus, no alien spacecrafts have been discovered on its surface.

Where is the launching site of NASA?

The launching site of all N.A.S.A spacecrafts are in Cape Kennedy Florida.

What is the plural for spacecraft?

The plural for spacecraft is spacecraft.

What is the plural of spacecraft?


Where did Apollo 12 launch from?

Apollo 12 was launched like all spacecrafts , from Cape Kennedy Florida.

Why is fuel so useful in spacecrafts?

Fuel is so useful to spacecrafts because without the fuel the spacecraft would not go.

Who invented Apollo 13?

Apollo 13 was a NASA mission, part of the Apollo space program, launched on April 11, 1970. It was not invented by one individual, but rather a collaborative effort of scientists, engineers, and astronauts at NASA. The mission aimed to land astronauts on the moon, but faced challenges when an oxygen tank exploded onboard, leading to a dramatic rescue operation.

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What are the names of six astronauts that have lost their lives in space and the names of their spacecrafts?

I'll start with a unforgettable trajety-Apollo 1.Virgil I. GrissomEdward H. WhiteRoger Bruce ChaffeeNext-ChallengerFrancis R. ScobeeMichael J. SmithJudy A. RedsnikThere are a few more.