Equations are an algebraic way of writing down a maths problem in shorthand.
Two or more simultaneous equations may be used to describe the same problem.
Matrices can be used to solve these simultaneous linear equations (that is equations with two or more unknown variables) and obtain the answer to those unknowns which satisfies both.
Equations are therefore generally solved to get values of unknown variables.......
Variable values are calculated (or assumed) to know all working or constant parameters of a system...
e.g. for a chemical reaction; generally pressure, temperature, concentration of reactant etc., may be combinations of unknown variables.
i.e. If these parameters are varied resultant yield get affected.........
We never know all properties at start, we first found relations between variables by doing practicals & form equations.........
Then these equations can be solved by many methods.......
Out of these many methods matrices is one......
So which ever system can be represented by equations, matrices have application there........
e.g. engineering problems, weather forecasting, aerospace design, financial calculations, chemical processes, construction calculations etc...........
And.....they were used by Albert Einstein to come up with his theories for General and Special Relativity.
In computer based applications, matrices play a vital role in the projection of three dimensional image into a two dimensional screen, creating the realistic seeming motions. Stochastic matrices and Eigen vector solvers are used in the page rank algorithms which are used in the ranking of web pages in Google search. The matrix calculus is used in the generalization of analytical notions like exponentials and derivatives to their higher dimensions. One of the most important usages of matrices in computer side applications are encryption of message codes. Matrices and their inverse matrices are used for a programmer for coding or encrypting a message. A message is made as a sequence of numbers in a binary format for communication and it follows code theory for solving. Hence with the help of matrices, those equations are solved. With these encryptions only, internet functions are working and even banks could work with transmission of sensitive and private data's.
The matrices must have the same dimensions.
Only square matrices have a determinant
There are no matrices in the question!
I do not. I f*cking hate matrices. I multiply sheep.
Toshinori Munakata has written: 'Matrices and linear programming with applications' -- subject(s): Linear programming, Matrices 'Solutions manual for Matrices and linear programming'
S. S. Agaian has written: 'Hadamard matrices and their applications' -- subject(s): Hadamard matrices
we can measure the expansion of the world by matrices cause in magnetic fields vectors can be streched up to a certain limit which are the eigen values.
A prime example of matrices (plural) being used in computers if in computer graphics and rendering where matrices are used in 3D work for transformations like rotation, scaling and translations. Although I'm sure there are plenty more fields in computer science where matrices may be used.
The square matrix have determinant because they have equal numbers of rows and columns. <<>> Determinants are not defined for non-square matrices because there are no applications of non-square matrices that require determinants to be used.
Matrices can be used to collect data. They can also be used in cryptography--the practice and study of hiding information.
I suggest asking separate questions for complex numbers, and for matrices. Complex numbers are used in a variety of fields, one of them is electrical engineering. As soon as AC circuits are analyzed, it turns out that complex numbers are the natural way to do this.
Only square matrices have inverses.
In computer based applications, matrices play a vital role in the projection of three dimensional image into a two dimensional screen, creating the realistic seeming motions. Stochastic matrices and Eigen vector solvers are used in the page rank algorithms which are used in the ranking of web pages in Google search. The matrix calculus is used in the generalization of analytical notions like exponentials and derivatives to their higher dimensions. One of the most important usages of matrices in computer side applications are encryption of message codes. Matrices and their inverse matrices are used for a programmer for coding or encrypting a message. A message is made as a sequence of numbers in a binary format for communication and it follows code theory for solving. Hence with the help of matrices, those equations are solved. With these encryptions only, internet functions are working and even banks could work with transmission of sensitive and private data's.
Kazuo Murota has written: 'Matrices and Matroids for Systems Analysis (Algorithms and Combinatorics)' 'Discrete Convex Analysis (Monographs on Discrete Math and Applications) (Monographs on Discrete Mathematics and Applications)'
Henryk Minc has written: 'Permanents' -- subject(s): Inequalities (Mathematics), Permanents (Matrices) 'Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Its Applications'
Science professions, Maths, professions such as mechanical and electronic engineering . Biology & chemistry. It can be used to model sound - all kinds of applications.