

Best Answer

1 It's a circle's circumference divided by its diameter

2 Its true value has never been determined

3 It's an irrational number and has no fraction

4 Its value has been calculated to over 2 trillion digits but never found

5 It's Pi Day each 14th March because its first 3 digits are 3.14

6 It's Albert Einstein's birthday who was born March 14th 1879

7 Its symbol was introduced by William Jones in 1706

8 It was Lu Chao of China who could memorise it to 67,890 digits

9 Its value in ancient biblical times was said to be 3

10 It was the state of Indiana that once tried to legalise its value

11 Its value is reduced to 1 when raised to the power of 0

12 It's needed to solve circular and spherical problems

13 It's normally rounded to 3 decimal places as 3.142

14 It's the first letter of the Greek word for perimeter

15 It's the 16th letter of the Greek alphabet

16 Its first gross digits add up to sixhundred threescore and six which is 666 and the number of the beast in the Book of Revelation

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Q: What are at least 15 facts about pi?
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Here are some facts and figures about pi. Pi (as a decimal) = 3.14 Pi (as a fraction) = 22/7

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Here are some facts and figures about pi. Pi (as a decimal) = 3.14 Pi (as a fraction) = 22/7

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How find area of a circle if diameter is 15?

pi * 225/4 Radius is 15/2 pi r2 = pi * (15/2)2 = pi * 225/4

What are a score or more facts relevant to the pi of a circle?

I can get you started with one: Nobody who knows anything about it calls it "the pi of a circle". Pi is pi.

What are rare facts about pi?

Pi has more than a million digits to it. Its 3.14159...etc

Interesting pi facts?

pi is one of letters in greek alphabet. === Wow, what a crappy answer you got. Try this, The most thorough list of pi tidbits that I have ever seen... because I WROTE IT as a consolidation of facts accumulated from around the internet. I tried not to make it too mathy.

What is the diameter of circle with a circumference of 15 pi?

diameter = 15pi/pi = 15 units in length

Is 15 times pi a rational number?

No because 15 times pi is an irrational number

What is the circumference if the radius is 15 in?

Circumference = 2*pi*rCircumference = 2*pi(15 inches)= 94 inches========