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1 The system was conceived by the Etruscans who once ruled the Romans

2 After independence from the Etruscans the Romans kept the system but changed the symbols

3 The 7 main symbols are M, D, C, L, X, V and I

4 They represent 1000, 500, 100, 50, 10, 5 and 1 respectively

5 The Romans introduced the system into countries they conquered

6 There is a symbol for zero which is not needed

7 It consists of fractions to a limit extent

8 Numerals within brackets signifies multiplication by a 1000

9 At one time 1000 was (I) instead of M

10 At one time 100,000 was (((I))) instead of (C)

11 Numerals are added horizontally instead of vertically

12 For complicated calculations an abacus counting device was used

13 Numerals can be abridged to represent the same value

14 The Romans never wrote 4 out as IV for fear of offending their almightest of gods Jupiter

15 The numerals IV and VI are ingrained into your left and right hand palms respectively

16 The rules governing this system were changed during the Dark Ages

17 At one time 18 was IIXX which in Latin is duodeviginti or 20-2

18 At one time 19 was IXX which in Latin means one from twenty

19 The Roman numeral system was superceded by the Hindu-Arabic numeral system during the Middle Ages

QED by David Gambell

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