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Q: What are bricks and why are they so dangerous?
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How many 4inches by 8inch bricks are needed to build a walk 6ftwide and 24ftlong?

648 Because: There are 12 inches in 1 foot. So 1ft wide is 3 bricks (12/4=3) and 1 ft long is 1.5 bricks (12/8 = 1.5). So 6ft x 3 = 18 bricks, 24ft x 1.5 = 36 bricks. To get the area: 36 bricks x 18 bricks = 648 Bricks.

How many bricks at square feet?

Bricks are not all the same size. Also the three dimensions are usually different. So the answer will depend on the sizes of the bricks and their orientation.

How can you remove moss from bricks without harming the bricks?

Possibly scrape it off with a scraper if it is thick enough to do so.

Why are there two types of bricks limeston and red?

Sometimes they need different bricks for different buildings, so they make 2 bricks, one stronger than the other =D

How do pigs make bricks?

No pig has ever been observed making bricks, so their method remains shrouded in mystery.

Is it normal for your dad to throw bricks at you?

Only if dad knows what he is doing. an unlicsened brick thrower shouldnt have any bricks to throw. so if dad throws bricks at you it is because your awful

Why are ordinary building bricks so small - wouldn't it be more efficient to make much bigger bricks?

Larger bricks would be harder to transport and provide fewer options when building something.

Is there a cheat to Lego battles that unlocks all the red bricks?

The cheats unlock single red bricks, characters, and heroes. So, it takes 15 cheat codes to unlock all the red bricks.

Why is the pull on the forcemeter different for rubber bricks and the house brick?

The pull on the forcemeter is different for rubber bricks and house bricks because rubber bricks are lighter and have more elasticity, causing them to stretch more when pulled. In contrast, house bricks are heavier and less elastic, so they resist being pulled as much.

Why is gasoline taxed so heavily and where do the funds go?


What is the collective noun for bricks?

The collective noun for bricks is a course of bricks.

How many bricks do you need to surround a 45 ft vegetable garden with 6-inch bricks?

A "45-ft vegetable garden" seems to be so skinny that perhaps it could be surrounded by a single row of 90 bricks.