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There are 5*4*3*2 = 120 such numbers.

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Q: How many 4 digit password combinations can you make with the numbers 4 5 6 9 and 0?
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106 or a million.

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Just one. In a combination, the order of the digits does not matter.

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You can make 5 combinations of 1 number, 10 combinations of 2 numbers, 10 combinations of 3 numbers, 5 combinations of 4 numbers, and 1 combinations of 5 number. 31 in all.

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This question does not make sense since a combination is independent of the order of its elements. That is, the combinations 1245 and 5142 are the same. Consequently, there can be no "last " numbers in a combination.

How many 4 digit combinations can be made with 4 digits?

9,000 - all the numbers between 1,000 and 9,999 inclusive. * * * * * NO. Those are PERMUTATIONS, not COMBINATIONS. Also, the question specified 4 digit combinations using 4 digits. The above answer uses 10 digits. If you start with 4 digits, you can make only 1 combination.

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The number of possible 3 digit combinations you can make out of 1-9 with outrepeated digits is:9C3 = 9!/(3!(9-3)!) = 84

How many 4 digit combinations can you make using 1 2 3 4 5 6 with out repeating any numbers?

You have 6 options for the first digit, 5 for the next, 4 for the next, and 3 for the next. Multiply all those numbers together.

How do you generate a list of five digit combinations of only the numbers 1 2 3 4 and 5 with out repeats?

you could make a probability tree if you could be bothered

How many 4 digit combinations can be made from 6 digits?

If the 6 digits can be repeated, there are 1296 different combinations. If you cannot repeat digits in the combination there are 360 different combinations. * * * * * No. That is the number of PERMUTATIONS, not COMBINATIONS. If you have 6 different digits, you can make only 15 4-digit combinations from them.

What are the possible 4 digit combinations you make out of the numbers 1-6 Same numbers in each row 1111 2222 3333 4444 5555 6666?

You can make 24 4-digit numbers. 1111 2222 3333 4444 5555 6666 1234 2345 3456 1356 6543 5432 4321 1432 ok i give up!