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Q: What are circles called with the same centre points?
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What are Circles having same centre but different radii called?

Concentric circles are circles with the same common centre.

What are Two circles with the same centre point called?

Concentric circles

If two circles have the same point then what are they called?

If you mean they both have the same centre - they're called 'concentric' circles.

What is the diffrerence between concentric and eccentric circles?

Concentric circles have the same centre point while eccentric circles although being within each other have differing centre points[the inner cirles are off centre].

Is concentric circle and congruent circle are they same?

No. Concentric circles have the same centre but not [usually] the same radius. Congruent circles have the same radius, but not [usually] the same centre. If you have two concentric congruent circles one will be exactly on top of the other.

Do concentric circles have the same circles?

No. You can only define a circle by radius, diameter, area, perimeter. Concentric circles have the same centre, therefore, if they were the same circles with the same radius, then they would all lie on top of each other and be effectively one circle.

What is the shape of a circle called?

The shape of a circle is round. Circles are plane shapes that have all points that are the same distance from the center.

How Is circles different from an ellipse?

The outside of the circle is always the same distance from the centre. The outside of an ellipse is not the same distance from the centre all the way round.

Are circles in the same plane and having the same center congruent circles?

Yes, it is. Circles that are in the same plane and having the same center are called congruent circles.

What are circles with the same center called?

concentric circles

What do closed circles represent on a topographical map?

The circles are called contour lines. A contour line connects points of the same elevation. When the lines are close together on a map that show the land is steep.

Do circles have the same center?

No not all circles have the same centre. If the circles formula is in the form x2+ y2=r2 then the centre is always the origin= (0,0). But if the formula for the circle is in the form (x-h)2+(y-k)2= r2 then the centre is the the opposite sign of the h and the k. Eg. (x+4)2+(y-9)2=16 the centre would be (-4,9) and the radius would be 4