I believe that is called a Scalene triangle.
A line segment drawn through the centre of a circle and having endpoints on the circumference of that circle is called the diameter. Notably, a line segement with one endpoint at the centre of the circle and one anywhere on the circumference of the circle is called the radius, and is exactly half the length of the diameter.
Two vectors having same magnitude but different direction are called equivalent vectors.
Copernicus's system used circles and epicycles, just like the ancient Ptolemaic system, with the difference that by placing the Sun at the centre Copernicus could simplify the complicated paths taken by the planets through space. Kepler had the advantage of new accurate observations made by Tycho Brahe at the end of the 16th century, and these enabled Kepler to realise that by using elliptical orbits for the planets, the modelled positions could be fitted more closely with the measured positions. Kepler retained the idea of having the Sun at the centre and it is the model used today with slight modifications from Einstein's theory of relativity.
AnswerThat would be circles with different sizes, having the same center.AnswerConcentric circles have a common center and different radii.Bulls eye could be an example of concentric circles.ans; Concentric circles are nothing but 2or more circles having common center but having different radius.Source: www.icoachmath.com
Yes, it is. Circles that are in the same plane and having the same center are called congruent circles.
The equation is based on having a centre at the origin. Moving the centre means you have to define where it is in relation to the origin, hence the extra terms involved in that job.
concentric circles
Concentric Circle
A detripage
They are called isotopes.
Concentric means having a common center, such as circles within circles where each one shares the same central point.
If I understood your question properly, it is called ''Pluriculturalism''.