Commonly called terminating decimals. However, no decimals actually come to an end as you can add zeros until infinity without changing the value of the decimal. therefore they are known as recurring decimals in a similar way to 1/3
e.g. 0.13 = 0.1300000000000000000000000000... 13/100
and 2/3 = 0.66666666666666666666...
These can all be written as fractions.
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The 3 kinds of decimals are "terminating" "recurring" and "other" Terminating decimals are ones that end, such as 0.74 or 0.19857 Recurring decimals are ones that don't end, but repeat, such as 0.6666666... or 0.142857142857142857.... Other decimals don't end, and don't repeat, but go on forever, such as pi=3.14159265358979323.....
From fractions
Its for good puposes
Add a zero to the end. 4.4 = 4.40 = 4.400
No. Decimals come under "real numbers" and not natural numbers as natural numbers are positive whole numbers i.e., positive integers.