You can write this in different ways: 5 1/2, 11/2, 5.5.
1/2 is a fraction. You can represent fractions by decimals, percentages, verbal, and pictures. So you would write 1/2 as .5 because .5 is half of one. You would write it as a percent as 50% because 50 is half of a hundred. You would write it verbally as one-half. And you would draw a picture of half a pie.
Six ways.
An infinite amount of ways. You could write it in every language in the world for starters. Numerically it can also be written in an infinite amount of sums and multiplications. e.g. you could write it as 0.1+13.9, then half the 0.1 and write 0.05+13.95, then half that and have 0.025+13.975 etc. So yeah, lots and lots of different ways you can write 14, in fact too many different ways to be able to count them all.
is there different ways to write amy? is there different ways to write amy?
You can write this in different ways: 5 1/2, 11/2, 5.5.
you can write that answer a thousand million ways!
500 different ways
write, right, wright
run write
1/2 is a fraction. You can represent fractions by decimals, percentages, verbal, and pictures. So you would write 1/2 as .5 because .5 is half of one. You would write it as a percent as 50% because 50 is half of a hundred. You would write it verbally as one-half. And you would draw a picture of half a pie.
Write 2 ways in which whole numbers and decimal numbers are different
write the product of 117 two different ways
Six ways.
half of 78, then half of that dude