

What are evidence and variables?

Updated: 11/20/2022
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Q: What are evidence and variables?
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What is the differecnce between independent variables and dependent variables?

Every time the independent variables change, the dependent variables change.Dependent variables cannot change if the independent variables didn't change.

What are controlled independent and dependent variables?

control variables: the things that are not changing.Independent variables: the things that you change.Dependent variables: the things that are changed due to the independent variable

Can continuous variables assume a limited number of values between any 2 specific values?

Yes, if you have two limiting variables with other possibles variables between them, the variables between the limiting variables would be continuous.

What is a inderpendent variable?

Dependent variables and independent variables refer to values that change in relationship to each other. The dependent variables are those that are observed to change in response to the independent variables. The independent variables are those that are deliberately manipulated to invoke a change in the dependent variables. In short, "if x is given, then y occurs", where x represents the independent variables and y represents the dependent variables. Depending on the context, independent variables are also known as predictor variables, regressors, controlled variables, manipulated variables, explanatory variables, or input variables. The dependent variable is also known as the response variable, the regressand, the measured variable, the responding variable, the explained variable, the outcome variable, the experimental variable or the output variable. This answer was coppied onto this page by tom hills of falmouth waii

What are independent variables and dependent variables in math?

Independent variables are the input value of a function (usually x) and dependent variables are the output value of the function (usually y).

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Depends on many variables.

What research method yields the most definite evidence of cause effect conclusions?

Experimental research method yields the most definite evidence of cause-effect conclusions because it involves manipulating variables, controlling extraneous factors, and randomly assigning participants to conditions, allowing researchers to establish a causal relationship between variables.

What change would make the evidence stronger?

Including a larger sample size of participants or conducting a randomized controlled trial would make the evidence stronger. Additionally, ensuring that the study design minimizes bias and confounding variables would enhance the strength of the evidence.

Is narrative more important than evidence in marketing?

No. Evidence is almost always more important than narrative.

What does a correlation coefficient of r -0.01 imply about the graph of a data set?

It suggests that there is very little evidence of a linear relationship between the variables.

Can an experiment that has several variables be used to explain theory?

Yes, an experiment with several variables can be used to test and provide evidence for a theory. By manipulating and controlling the variables, researchers can investigate the relationships between them and how they affect the outcomes, helping to support or refute theoretical predictions. However, it is essential to design the experiment carefully to ensure that the results are reliable and can contribute to a better understanding of the theory.

What conclusions can you draw if the line of best fitting on a linear graph does not slope either up or down but is horizontal?

The conclusion would be that there is no evidence of a linear relationship between the variables. There could well be a non-linear (eg quadratic) relationship.

How do the test variables and outcome variables in an experiment compare?

Test variables are the factors that are intentionally changed or manipulated by the researcher in an experiment, whereas outcome variables are the factors that are measured and affected by the test variables. Test variables are the independent variables that are controlled by the researcher, while outcome variables are the dependent variables that change in response to the test variables. The relationship between the test variables and outcome variables is explored to determine the effect of the test variables on the outcome variables.

How many variables are tested during an experiment?

There are three types of variables tested: manipulated variables, controlled variables, and experimental variables.

What is the differecnce between independent variables and dependent variables?

Every time the independent variables change, the dependent variables change.Dependent variables cannot change if the independent variables didn't change.