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Q: What are examples of kilograms?
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Are kilograms and grams examples of mass?

Yes 1 kilogram = 1000 grams 1 gram = 0.001 kilograms

What are two examples of common units of measuring?

Your height (centimetres) and mass (kilograms).

Real life examples with mass?

A Boeing 747 aircraft has a mass of approximately 400,000 kilograms. A typical small car has a mass of around 1,500 kilograms. The Earth has a mass of about 5.972 Ɨ 10^24 kilograms. An elephant can have a mass of up to 6,000 kilograms.

What are units of measurement that can be used to measure mass?

Milligrams, grams or kilograms are three examples.

What are examples of quantitative sentences?

1) i bought 3 pices of mango. 2) my weight is 32 kilograms.

Can you give five examples of kilograms?

I don't know what you mean by examples, but equivalents are: one liter of water, 2.2 pounds, 1,000 grams, a cubic decimeter of pure water,

What weighs 37 kilos?

A 37-kilo object would weigh 37 kilograms on Earth. Some examples of items that could weigh around 37 kilograms include a large suitcase, a medium-sized dog, or a small adult.

What are examples of ratios used in life?

Comparing prices of goods. Which is cheaper: ten dollars for a ten kilograms or 7.5 dollars for 7 kilograms? The way to answer it is to compare unit prices and these are examples of ratios. A more complicated situation arises if there is another product costing 8 dollars for 15 pounds (mass, not currency).

What are examples of a kilogram?

A kilogram is a form of weight. 1000 grams makes one kilogram, and 1000 kilograms makes one Tonne. 2.2 pounds are found in one kilogram. So examples of kilograms would be your own bodyweight. It caould also measure a TV set.Sofas would also be measured in Kg. Well, that's all I have

What items weigh 3 kilograms?

Some examples of items that weigh around 3 kilograms include a small bag of rice, a laptop computer, or a medium-sized watermelon.

Can you give me 2 examples of proportional relationship?

Mass measured in kilograms and in pounds. If you travel at a constant velocity, the time that you travel and the distance that you cover.

What is 15 kilograms plus 911 kilograms plus 4.5 kilograms?

15 kilograms + 911 kilograms + 4.5 kilograms = 930.5 kilograms.