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three examples of parallelograms are a square, a rectangle, and a rhombus.

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Q: What are examples of parallelograms?
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Why can a rectangle also be called a parallelogram?

A parallelegram is a kind of shape in which the sets of lines are parallel to each other, such as in the case of a rectangle. Squares and rhombi are also examples of parallelograms. Triangles and circles are examples of shapes that are not parallelograms.

What quadrilateral not a parallelogram?

There is no one type. Examples of quadrilaterals that are not parallelograms are trapezoids and kites.

Which figures can have right angles but are not parallelograms?

A trapezoid or an irregular pentagon are two examples.

Why can all squares be classified as parallelograms but not all parallelograms can be classified as squares?

A parallelogram is a four-sided figure with opposite sides parallel. Squares and rectangles are two examples of parallelograms. A square is a four-sided figure that has four equal sides, and opposite sides are parallel.

Are all trapezoids parallelograms?

No trapezoids are parallelograms, and no parallelograms are trapezoids.

Is All trapezoids parallelograms?

No trapezoids are parallelograms, and no parallelograms are trapezoids.

What shapes have 4 sides and 4 corners?

Parallelograms Examples: Squares and rectangles

Are all parallelograms trapezoids?

No trapezoids are parallelograms, and no parallelograms are trapezoids.

Are all parallelograms are trapeziods?

No. Parallelograms are never trapezoids. Trapezoids are never parallelograms.

Are there any parallelograms in sports?

No, there are no parallelograms in sports.

Is true or false all parallelograms are aquares?

All squares are parallelograms, but all parallelograms are not squares.

Are all squares parallelograms or squares?

False! Squares are parallelograms. Parallelograms can be squares or rectangles or neither.