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Q: What are extraneous and confounding variables?
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What is the difference between moderating and extraneous variables?

Extraneous variable a.k.a. Confounding vaiable is a variable that affects an independent variable n also afects a dependent variable at d same time confounding relatnship btn the independent and dependent variable. Mediating variable a.k.a. Intervening variable, it is a variable forming a link btn two variables that are causualy conected.

What are examples of extraneous variables?

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What are Confounding Variables?

In any experiment there are many kinds of variables that will effect the experiment. The independent variable is the manipulation for the experiment and the dependent variable is the measure you take from that experiment. Confounding variables are things in which have an effect on the dependent variable, but were taken into account in the experimental design. For example, you want to know if Drug X has an effect on causing sleep. The experimenter must take care to design the experiment so that he can be very sure that the subjects in the study fell asleep because of the influence of his Drug X, and that the sleepiness was not caused by other factors. Those other factors would be confounding variables.

What confounding variables can interfere with an ECG?

jewlrey, medications, movement, lead placement, metal buttons,

What is the difference between correlation and experiment?

An experiment is when the researcher manipulates the independent variable and records its effect on the dependent variable whilst maintaining strict control over any extraneous variables. A correlation is a statistical relationship between two or more variables. The researcher makes a change in one of the variables to see what is affected.

Related questions

What is the difference between moderating and extraneous variables?

Extraneous variable a.k.a. Confounding vaiable is a variable that affects an independent variable n also afects a dependent variable at d same time confounding relatnship btn the independent and dependent variable. Mediating variable a.k.a. Intervening variable, it is a variable forming a link btn two variables that are causualy conected.

Can extraneous variables be controlled?

no the variables cant be controlled.

What variables did you have to control in order to get a valid result?

We controlled the independent variable (the variable we manipulated) to observe its effect on the dependent variable (the variable we measured). We also controlled for any potential confounding variables that could influence the results. Additionally, we ensured consistency in experimental conditions to eliminate any extraneous variables that could impact the outcome.

What are examples of extraneous variables?

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What are the three variables that play an important role in a Practical Investigation?

Independent Variables, Dependent Variables and Extraneous Variables.

What are Confounding Variables?

In any experiment there are many kinds of variables that will effect the experiment. The independent variable is the manipulation for the experiment and the dependent variable is the measure you take from that experiment. Confounding variables are things in which have an effect on the dependent variable, but were taken into account in the experimental design. For example, you want to know if Drug X has an effect on causing sleep. The experimenter must take care to design the experiment so that he can be very sure that the subjects in the study fell asleep because of the influence of his Drug X, and that the sleepiness was not caused by other factors. Those other factors would be confounding variables.

What is Situation-Relevant Confounding Variable?

A situation-relevant confounding variable is a third variable that is related to both the independent and dependent variables being studied, which can lead to a spurious relationship between them. It is crucial to identify and control for situation-relevant confounding variables in research to ensure that the true relationship between the variables of interest is accurately captured.

How can you eliminate confounding variables in your experiment?

To eliminate confounding variables, or variables that were not controlled and damaged the validity of the experiment by affecting the dependent and independent variable, the experimenter should plan ahead. They should run many checks before actually running an experiment.

Is A variable that changes outside the control of the participants an independent variable?

No, an independent variable is one that is intentionally manipulated by the researcher to observe its effect on the dependent variable. A variable that changes outside of the participants' control would typically be considered an extraneous variable that could potentially influence the results of the study.

What Confounding variables are there on a questionnaire?

Confounding variables on a questionnaire refer to factors that may influence the relationship between the variables being studied. For example, participant demographics, question wording, or response bias could confound the results. It is important to identify and control for these variables to ensure accurate and reliable data analysis.

What is a variable that interferes with other variables in a study called?

extraneous variable

What is the meaning of confounding in statistics?

In statistics. a confounding variable is one that is not under examination but which is correlated with the independent and dependent variable. Any association (correlation) between these two variables is hidden (confounded) by their correlation with the extraneous variable. A simple example: The proportion of black-and-white TV sets in the UK and the greyness of my hair are negatively correlated. But that is not because the TV sets are becoming colour sets and so my hair is loosing colour, nor the other way around. It is simply that both are correlated with the passage of time. Time is the confounding variable in this example.