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Q: What are factors that decrease downstream?
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Why does volume of load decrease as you go downstream?

erosion :P

Does gradient of a stream increase or decrease downstream?

Decrease. The source of the river is usually in a mountainous area with a steep gradient.

Why does load particles decrease downstream?

Fine silt and mud are carried further downstream than heavier rocks and gravel. Which often results in muddy banks at the river mouth.

Does wetted perimeter decrease downstream?

No, it increases as there is more water in the channel.

Why does the size of the bedload decrease and its roundness increase as you travel downstream?

The size of the bedload decreases and its roundness increases as you travel downstream due to attrition and abrasion processes. As particles get transported downstream, they collide with each other and the streambed, leading to fragmentation and rounding of the particles over time. This results in smaller and rounder particles being carried further downstream.

Does a stream's velocity increase or decrease downstream?

A stream's velocity typically increases downstream due to the accumulation of water volume and slope gradient. This leads to higher flow rates and faster-moving water.

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What makes the size of the pebbles smaller downstream?

As pebbles are transported downstream by the flowing water, they collide with each other and with other debris, causing them to break into smaller fragments. This process is known as attrition and leads to the gradual decrease in pebble size as they travel downstream. Additionally, smaller pebbles are also more easily carried by the current, allowing them to be transported further downstream.

Why does the gradient of a river decrease downstream direction?

It doesn't decrease, it increases. It only apears to decrease because the lower course of a river is smoother. Because of waterfalls etc in the upper course, it appears to be going quicker when actually obstructions, although creating a splash, decrease spped.

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What factors decrease urine output?

There are various factors which might decrease urine output. For example, if a person is dehydrated then they will urinate less.

What factors increase or decrease person's BMR?

Factors that can increase BMR are food and decrease it is the lack of food. You're welcome for the answer :D