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Q: What are five causes of unconsciousness?
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Does Tia cause unconsciousness?

TIA does not cause unconsciousness.

Why intersection crashes causes brain injuries?

The force of the impact causes the brain to slam against the skull. This could result in a brain bleeder, unconsciousness, concussion, or severe headache.

When was Unconsciousness Rules created?

Unconsciousness Rules was created in 1981.

What part of speech is unconsciousness?

"Unconsciousness" is a noun. It refers to the state of being unaware or not conscious.

What is a state of total unconsciousness?

A state of total unconsciousness is called Coma

When was Regaining Unconsciousness created?

Regaining Unconsciousness was created on 2003-03-25.

Which vertebrae refers to the state of unconsciousness?

A vertebra is a bone of the spine, they have nothing directly to do with a state of unconsciousness.

Under what circumstances is near-drowning not a primary cause of danger?

near-drownings are secondary to an event such as a heart attack that causes unconsciousness or a head or spinal injury that prevents a diver from resurfacing.

Will chloroform cause unconsciousness?

Yes, chloroform can cause unconsciousness when inhaled in sufficient quantities. It depresses the central nervous system and can lead to sedation, unconsciousness, and even respiratory failure if not used carefully in a controlled medical setting.

What is another word for unconsciousness?


Can a guinea pig go unconsciousness?

yes they can in really hot weather there brains cant handle the heat so the become unconsciousness

Are more people killed while climbing or decending Mount Everest?

Climbing it. Since its the highest point on our planet, harsh tempatures causes cases of hypothermia. Lack of oxygen at such a high altitude, causes dizziness and unconsciousness which thens leads to mistakes and accidents.