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Q: What are five examples of a reflex angle in real life?
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What are 2 examples of a reflex angle used in everyday life?


What is a real life example of a reflex angle?

The exterior angle formed by the letter "V". Notice how this shape is commonly used; for example the wings on a stealth bomber or an arrowhead have this shape.

Real life examples of adjacent angles?

In a right angle triangle the adjacent angle is at the base of the hypotenuse and next to the right angle

What are the automatic movement patterns of newborns called?

The automatic movement patterns of newborns are called reflexes. These reflexes are involuntary and are essential for survival and development in the early stages of life. Examples include the rooting reflex, moro reflex, and sucking reflex.

Five examples that effect your everyday life?

i dont knoe

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real-life examples of a straight angle?

An angle formed as a see-saw is a real life example.

Real life examples of angle bisector?

Two walls in a room meet to form and angle. If you wish to be equal distances from the two walls, you must be standing on the angle bisector.

Two Examples for acute angle in our day to day life?

flamingos leg and birds mouth

Real life example of exterior of an angle?

There are many examples that shows the exterior of an angle. The most common example would be of a four way stop.

What is a real life example of a obtuse angle?

An Obtuse angle is more than 90° but less than 180°. Real life examples would be fans, and most rooftops of houses and buildings.

What are some examples of an acute angle in real life?

One example I know is an ice cream cone.