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Q: What are flat hierarchical and matrix organizations?
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What is the difference between hierarchy and matrix structure?

There are more people in the hierarchical structure then the matrix structure. The matrix structure is more complex than the hierarchical structure

Does the way that contemporary organizations are structured appeal to you. why or why not?

Yes, because a strict hierarchical organization as represented in the traditional organizations puts a barrier in responding to the rapidly changing environments. Contemporary organizational structures consist of the matrix, lattice, virtual and networked organizations.

Is a ip address flat or hierarchical?

MAC addresses are flat.

What are types of organization?

Types of organizations include; Business organizations Market Organization Hierarchical Organization Adhocracy

What is the service design matrix?

What is the service design matrix? Why would service organizations want to rely on the service design matrix?

Difference between matrix management and function management?

From the perspective of structure, organizations fall into three categories: 1. Functional organizations 2. Projectized organizations and 3. Matrix organizations. Functional Organizations A functional organization has a traditional organizational structure in which each functional department, such as engineering, marketing, and sales, is a separate entity Projectized Organization A projectized organization's structure is organized around projects. Most of the organization's resources are devoted to the projects Matrix Organization A matrix organization is organized into functional departments, but a project is run by a project team, with members coming from different functional departments The matrix organizations are generally categorized into a strong matrix, which is closer to projectized structure; a weak matrix, which is closer to functional structure; and a balanced matrix, which is in the middle of strong and weak.

How is matrix organization appropriate?

a hybrid of the functional and product organizations

What is the Difference between hierarchical and flat address?

Hierarchical addressing organizes addresses in a tree-like structure with levels or layers, like in IP addresses. Flat addressing treats all addresses as equal without any structure or hierarchy, like in MAC addresses.

The organizations of persons or church officials arranged on above the other according to rank class or grade?

That is known as a hierarchy. hierarchical

Why would a designer choose a flat network over a hierarchical?

A designer Êwould Êchoose a flat network over a hierarchical because Êit is cheap to implement, maintain and administrate.ÊÊItÊis designed toÊreduceÊ the number of routers and switches on Êa computerÊnetwork.

What is matrix organizational structure and what are its advantages and disadvantages?

A matrix organization is organized into functional departments, but a project is run by a project team, with members coming from different functional departments. On the spectrum of a project manager's authority, matrix organizations are in the middle of two extremes: functional and projectized organizations.

What is nikes organisational structure?

Matrix structure or flat strucure!