eubacteria lack a nucleus, lack histones in their DNA, have no membrane bound organelles, and their DNA is in a circular form.
eubacteria and archaebacteria
Bacillius, Spirillius and Cocci.
It's one of the 6 kingdomsanimalia, plantae, eubacteria, archaebacteria, protista, and fungi
Four hundred forty-four thousand, four hundred four
Four. Four. Four. Four.
We do not know what you are asking, there is no such word as "charactoristics".
A good name for a shark is Bruis,dude and duke!
The presence of a cell wall made of peptidoglycan in eubacteria and a lack of peptidoglycan in archaebacteria distinguishes them from members of the other four kingdoms.
No, eubacteria are prokaryotes.
what are some kinds of eubacteria
Eubacteria is a prokaryote.
Nope and archeabacteria doesn't either.No, the cells of a Eubacteria do not have a nucleus.
the average charactoristics of one who is poor
Kingdom Monera
No in fact eubacteria is prokaryotic.
Yes, salmonella is caused by eubacteria.
Yes infact Eubacteria is pneumonia