

What are lightwaves called?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What are lightwaves called?
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What are lightwaves?

Lightwaves are electromagnetic waves.

Which wave can be seen by eyes?


What is used in the eyes to see color?

Its the way the lightwaves bounce off the surfaces. There are different lenghths of lightwaves and thats how our eyes precieve color. I do believe xD haha thats if i remember corectly.

The shifting of lightwaves as an object moves away from the observer is what?

The Doppler effect

What color cup retains coldness the best?

white. they reflect lightwaves containing heat the best.

What are the names for sunlight energy?

I guess you could say kinetic seeing as the lightwaves travel through space.

What are two of radiation?

There are many different types of radiation, going from radiowaves, to lightwaves, and even to gamma rays!

Why you can see?

We can see because our eyes are receptive to the lightwaves reflected off objects.

Are scientists trying to create new colors?

umm.... no. its impossible. color is the perception of reflected lightwaves with specific frequencies. therefore you can not "make" new colors. you might be able to rename them, but you cant make them.

The matter through which a wave transfers energy is called what?

Propagation medium? Though a wave doesn't need a medium to travel or transfer energy (sound waves do, but lightwaves don't). People used to think there was an ether in which light moved, but there isn't.

Which wave represents visible light?

Visible light is a type of electromagnetic wave.

How do the lightwaves from the sun help the sky to be blue?

The air scatters sunlight, allowing only blue to appear, while the opposite happens at sundown. John Tyndall an Irish born scientist described the scattering of sunlight by dust particles in 1895.