

What are magic marbles made of?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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12y ago

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A delicate mixture of anal seepage, period blood and semen.

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Q: What are magic marbles made of?
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What makes magic marbles absorb water?

Magic marbles are designed to absorb water due to the material they are made of, such as a superabsorbent polymer. When water comes into contact with the marbles, the polymer chains in the material expand and create a gel-like substance that traps and holds the water within the marble. This results in the magic marbles swelling in size as they absorb more water.

Why does water make magic marbles grow?

When water comes into contact with the magic marbles, it triggers a chemical reaction within the marbles' material that causes them to expand or grow. The water molecules penetrate the marbles, causing them to absorb the liquid and swell in size as a result.

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The Elgin marbles were made for the Parthenon in Greece

What were the rich Victorian children's marbles made from?

They were made of glass and poorer Victorians had clay marbles.

What are marbles made out of?

Marbles are usually made of glass( The kind you play with).

Why do magic marbles grow?

they don't if you look at it for a long time it looks like it growes

Are marbles made of marble?

CaCO3 (Calcium Carbonate)

How many groups of 2 can be made out of 20 marbles?

ans is 10 marbles

What are 'water marbles' made from?

Water marbles are typically made from a superabsorbent polymer, which can absorb and hold large amounts of water. When placed in water, these polymers expand and form spherical shapes that resemble marbles.

Are marbles only made of glass?

Marbles are named because of their function and not what they are made of. Marbles can be make from any substance that holds a spherical shape.Now, and historically, marbles have been made of Glass, Ceramic and stone etc.The most common substances used are the ones which have useful weight.

Why are marbles different colors?

Marbles are made different colors just to look cool.

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