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variable expression, I believe.

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Q: What are numbers operations and unknown values?
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What is the difference between arithmetic operations and logical operations?

Arithmetic operations involve mathematical calculations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, which manipulate numerical values. Logical operations, on the other hand, involve evaluating conditions or expressions to determine true or false outcomes. Arithmetic operations deal with numerical values, while logical operations deal with Boolean values (true or false).

What do variables allow you to do tht you couldn't before?

In programming: They let you do generic calculations, with numbers that you don't know in advance. In algebra: They let you do calculations with unknown values - either generic calculations, or do calculations to find such unknown values in a specific case.

What expression consists of numbers and operations?

algebraic expression consists of numbers and operations

Why do you use the Arabic number instead of roman numerals?

Arabic numbers need less digits to represent large numbers (in general). When doing arithmetic operations on the numbers, Arabic is easier because of the place values can line up.

What kind of expressions that combine numbers and operations?

All expressions combine numbers and operations!

What is number system in computer?

A collection of things together with operations on those numbers and the properties that the operations satisfy or in other words, a collection of numbers together with operations, properties of the operations, and a system of representing these numbers.

Who used the name of colors to represent unknown values?

People In ancient india used names of colors to represent unknown values.

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How do you evaluate an expression when given values for the variables?

You replace each variable by its value. Then you do the indicated calculations.

What is combination of operations on variables and numbers called?

the order of operations

What two operations would you use for comparing two numbers?

the operations that can be used in comparing two numbers are??????

What is the mathematical phrase made up of numbers and operations?

Expression is the mathematical phrase made up of numbers and operations